Satisfaction At Work Featured in Latest 'HR Companies To Watch in Employee Engagement' List

An Even Better Place to Work cloud-based program showcased in prestigious #HRWINS shortlist of innovative organizations.

Satisfaction At Work Inc., providers of the 'An Even Better Place to Work' program, has been identified as a Company to Watch in the latest #HRWINS list.

"We are absolutely thrilled to be included in this impressive list of forward thinking HR companies and delighted to now be in the company of some very prominent names" said Shea Heaver, Founder and CEO. "To be considered one of the best in our field (in two major categories) is a tremendous honor and we firmly believe we bring a groundbreaking approach to improving Employee Engagement and Leadership Development," he continues.

In addition to redefining the survey process, they also bridge the gap from the data analytics to the actions necessary to improve culture and team dynamics.

#HRWINS celebrates the innovation taking place in the Human Capital Management (HCM) and HR Tech markets by vendors of all sizes. The list is compiled by LAROCQUE, an industry leading Strategy and GoToMarket Consulting firm for HR related technology and the HCM Marketplace.

President George Larocque said of Satisfaction At Work, "What stood out about their program is that in addition to redefining the survey process, they also bridge the gap from the data analytics to the actions necessary to improve culture and team dynamics."

In addition to being a Company to Watch in the 'Pulse Surveys' and 'Team Network Analytics and Dynamics' shortlists, the narrative accompanying the 2015 list remarks, "If culture is your most important dynamic, solutions like […] Satisfaction@Work […] leverage science to help you understand your work environment."

Shay McConnon (creator of An Even Better Place to Work) was equally delighted with the news and said from his office in the U.K. "The program has been very successful across Europe, Africa and the Middle East for a number of years and I am thrilled that its unique design is now being introduced and recognized in the U.S."

Says Heaver, "A major feature of our program is ensuring employees feel valued so they become more committed, engaged and productive. Recognition is a critical element in this and hence the #HRWINS acknowledgement really resonates with us. It makes us even more committed to helping every individual, team and organization realize their full potential."

About Satisfaction At Work

Satisfaction At Work Inc is dedicated to improving employee engagement, leadership development and workforce productivity through a powerful business tool that helps organizations get the best from their people. An Even Better Place to Work is a unique, online program of interrelated measures, activities and resources that empowers individuals and their teams to improve the quality of their work life. For more information please visit

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